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Writer's pictureAndrea Dee

New Year; No resolution?

We turn the page to 2021, a new year to start fresh, or a good time to challenge yourself to do something new or different: they call it New Year Resolutions!

I was so surprised when asking around what were my friends and family's new resolutions were, 80 percent of people decided not to make any. It could be the fact that 2020 was a year where everybody was a little depressed, we didn’t get to travel, we didn’t get to see family, and maybe some of us got sick. I believe there is always a positive way to look at things.

For me, 2020 was a year when I wrote, recorded, and co-produced my electro-pop album Truth & Dare. I had the time to research, read, practice, set goals, and really throw myself into my music. I have learned during the years that keeping myself busy is the way I cope with any situation. When I have a hard break, I go out all the time, any reason is a good one, I have a need for communication and community. Talking about what’s on my mind, helps me get through anything. It’s amazing what happens when you reach out to people and interact!

Of course, during Covid, it has been impossible to meet new people. So, I took interaction online using my favorite subject: music, and I am still doing it! Some of you might say that it’s not the same as meeting real people and to that, I would answer yes, I agree, but what are your chances of meeting people from all over the world in an hour? It is all a matter of perspective, no?

I love to be busy, and I always have a million ideas to move forward and take on something new, but I believe that you create your life. We put together an online music festival where I got to connect with amazing musicians, actors, and presenters, raising money for the prevention of breast cancer.

In 2019 everybody talked about being so busy that we didn’t have time to sit for a cup of coffee with a friend that lives in the same city, and in 2020 we complained about being bored…What will be 2021 about? The good news is that you get to choose, what do you want it to be? Happy? Exciting? Entertaining? Full of love? Laughter? Success? I want all those things, and it starts now!

I love to hear that people are trying something new, or taking on a challenge, this is called living life to the full. Do the best with what you can and don’t stop! Don’t listen to that amazing, brilliant voice in your head that gives all the excuses to stop or quit, instead watch something or somebody that inspires you. I miss traveling and being on tour, so I watched the Rolling Stones Ole, Ole, Ole A Trip Across America, lol!

In December, I got my phone stolen twice in the space of 4 days by cyclists at night whilst coming home from work. It was an invasion of my space, I felt weak, a loss of power and I couldn't walk by myself when it was dark in fear that it would happen again! Even now when a bike or somebody comes close to me, I feel unsettled. I have never felt scared, especially outdoors as I grew up in a not-so-great neighborhood which will get you ready for anything, but then again, I am human.

I decided to take on a running marathon to challenge myself. I can tell you that I am no runner, but I am working on it, (a great way to get rid of all the food and drinks I overindulged in during the holiday as well). Ok by now you might think that I am crazy (or think yeah this girl loves to talk haha), but just doing my best to share what I found that works for me, wanting to give you great energy and encouragement.

I hope that when reading this you decide on a new goal, something that will challenge you and push your boundaries.

What did you choose? I would love to hear it… post a comment, email me, or DM.

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